Camping can be one of the best adventures you’ll try in your life. This is why we brought you some tips to help you survive in the wild.

Here are the 3 ultimate wilderness survival tips:

#5 Make do of the environment

Try to use the natural sources around you. If you have wood around you, use it to build a tent. Moreover, you can use tree leaves to make a shade, and so on.

#4 Life Straw

When camping, you must always bring a life straw. In case you run out of water, you can use it to make any water around you drinkable.

#3 Smart preparation

Besides bringing your tent and sleeping bag, put the environment where you’ll camp into consideration. If you’ll camp in a desert, make sure to bring an umbrella to protect you from the sun. If you’ll camp somewhere cold, make sure to bring enough blankets. Moreover, make a checklist so you don’t forget to bring enough clothes, hand sanitizer and your daily needs.

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