Wilderness Survival Tips

Sure, camping can be fun. But what if you find yourself lost or stranded? Do you have what it takes to survive in the wilderness?

Don’t fret – here are some of the easiest and most basic wilderness survival tips:

1. Find clean water.

Water is your top priority. Always look for running water from a river or creek. Avoid stagnant water like lakes as this could be a source of bacteria.

2. Build a shelter.

The next step is to make sure you’re safe from the elements. Use available resources like a fallen tree or branch. Next, dig a small hole enough for you to lie down. Cover the sides so you stay hidden from wild animals.

3. Start a fire.

A fire will keep your body warm to fight against hypothermia. Use pine needles or dry leaves. If you don’t have a match or lighter, you can start a fire by rubbing two sticks together while pressing downward to create friction.

4. Make a smoke signal.

The fastest way to lead rescuers to your location is to start a smoke signal using your fire.

5. Stick to fruits you know.

If it’s a fruit you’ve never seen before, don’t eat it! It could be poisonous. Stick to apples or berries, if there are any.

6. Learn to navigate.

Use your compass. If you don’t have one, then remember the basics: follow the North Star using the Big Dipper Constellation. It can be found at the end of the Dipper’s handle.

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